Date: April 5th, 2001
Location: Bash On Ash
Bands: Victims in ecstasy, Authority Zero, Trik Turner & Guttermouth
Price: Radio contest Free. but we paid $10
Time: 7:00pm
With: Sarah, Briton & Jaime
Wearing: illegal alien t-shirt, plaid purple pants and mohawk
SkaPunkMusicMan's Review
got there and stood in line for a long time for about 3 hours actually. then we
got in. We saw Victims in ecstasy, which is weird because Jaime and I
have been trying to see them for a long time and then last second they play for
guttermouth. That was pretty cool but no one did anything cause they weren't
"punk" enough. Oh well I enjoyed them.
Then Authority Zero came on and they rocked. They remind me allot of old school sublime ya know? Anyways they were really good they had allot of energy and I really like Richard Nixon. They played a song called "Mexico" and it is really slow grooving type ska. Anyways no one except this buff fitness looking black guy, some guy with devil horns and me were the only people moving and it was set up like the black dude in the middle break dancing with me and the devil horned guy skanking around him and it was so cool because everyone was at "ahhh" about us and they all just stared! it was so great. I actually had more fun during them then during guttermouth.
So my friends and I sit down and wait for this band trik turner, that we have never herd of to play and pretty soon we hear turn tables and nothing but cussing and yelling and it was a Rap-core band that SUCKS! I didn't like them AT ALL man! when they would stop embitween songs and talk I would yell "I'M GUNNA KILL MYSELF! I SWEAR I WILL! I'M GUNNA BLOW MY BRAINS OUT! DIE DIE DIE AHHHHHH! KILL KILL KILL!" and he ended his set a bit early.
Then Guttermouth came and they did a really good set everything I wanted from friendly people and everything I could expect from musical monkey and almost all my favorites from gorgeous and only one from Teri yokomo. Plus a few more new songs. But they were total buttholes! this little kid jumped up on stage and started skanking on stage and mark was like "hey that's some good dancing for a RETARD!" then pushed the kid off stage. And this girl got on stage and then mark's like "well what are you waiting for little girl? are you gunna jump or what? do you wanna say something in the microphone?" and she turned away then he said "oh just like a penis you shove it in a girls face and they run away!" I didn't think that was very nice. But that's what they do I guess. That's why there Guttermouth. I bought the ten commandments t-shirt and I got my holy pants signed by the whole band except Mark because I was told he was making love to the women on stage.
SkaPunkMusicMan's Interview with Briton
SkaPunkMusic Man: who was your favorite band that played?
Alozar777: guttermouth
SkaPunkMusic Man: ok and why is that?
Alozar777: because for one victims in ecstasy was there along with trick turner, that should speak for itself, but authority zero was good, but not good enough
Trik turner should have been shot
SkaPunkMusic Man: :-| ok did you buy anything?
Alozar777: yeah, the t-shirt
SkaPunkMusic Man: what t-shirt? (I'm the skapunkmusicman I am not Ryan)
(I am an interviewer I don't know what your talking about?)
Alozar777: ok
SkaPunkMusic Man: so what t-shirt are you talking about?
Alozar777: the dark orange one with the cross in the front
SkaPunkMusic Man: oh that's nice
Alozar777: yeah
SkaPunkMusic Man: uhhh.... :-|
Alozar777: running out of questions
SkaPunkMusic Man: did guttermouth play your favorite song?
Alozar777: yeah
SkaPunkMusic Man: which is?
Alozar777: lipstick
SkaPunkMusic Man: that's cool
Alozar777: yeah, I know it is
SkaPunkMusic Man: did anything special ::winkwink:: happen to you ::winkwink::
Alozar777: my pen got stolen
SkaPunkMusic Man: oh
Alozar777: what the hell is with that wink wink? heh heh heh
SkaPunkMusic Man: :-| did anything else SPECIAL! happen to you ::winkwink::
Alozar777: yeah, I met the captain, and the drummer and they signed my shirt
SkaPunkMusic Man: Oh! that's sooo cool what did they say
Alozar777: I also met the sound technician, and some guy that works at the
Nile they said I was the coolest fan that they've ever met
SkaPunkMusic Man: really? that's cool :-|
Alozar777: hahahaha, no I lied I just wanted to feel special
SkaPunkMusic Man: hahaha ok ok on a scale of 1-10 1 getting shot and surviving but not
having your arms 10 getting shot and not feeling a thing so that way you can kick the ass of the person that did shoot you....what would you rate the show?
Alozar777: 5, because guttermouth put on a good
show and so did authority zero, but victims in ecstasy showed up, and trick turner was there, so it was only half good
SkaPunkMusic Man: that's
Alozar777: yeah
SkaPunkMusic Man: ok any "last words" for the readers. (if there are any my sites so pathetic)
Alozar777: sure, don't see trick turner ever, because if he's dumb enough to have his cd release party at a punk show, then he's too dumb for you to listen to his music
SkaPunkMusic Man: hahahaha GREAT :-|