weezer - pinkerton

  1. tired  of  sex

  2. getchoo

  3. no  other  one

  4. why  bother?

  5. across  the  sea

  6. the  good  life

  7. el  Scorcho

  8. pink  triangle

  9. falling  for  you

  10. butterfly


Quick Review - I love weezer to much to say something bad about them; and you know what I don't have to because there is nothing bad about this album. it is so incredible cool matt, Brian, Patrick and rivers really rock out on this one. The songs blend together really well, & the band really shows that you can do so much with just four chords. there songs are so simple but when you hear them it sounds so hard. I love it. yeah weezer! But you can not compare it to there first one because there first one is like so much more fun. all my brothers and my sister love weezer so much, on car trips we just blast it and we all sing and yell and just rock out in the car to weezer it's so awesome. to all of you weezer virgin's BUY IT IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE IT!


My favorite songs are: getchoo, why bother?, across the sea, the good life, el schorcho & pink triangle


Credits (My favorite Part!): Matt Sharp - Bass, Vocals,  Patrick Wilson - Drums,  Brain Bell - Guitar Vocals,  Rivers Cuomo - Vocals, Guitar